Your First Massage
- Please allow approximately 15 minutes prior to your session to fill out your intake forms. This is for sessions lasting 60 or more minutes.
- An intake is always part of any massage session, so please expect a verbal intake for any session scheduled with InFusion Bodywork.
- We will review and allow time to discuss the reason for that day’s session.
- I will instruct you on the massage procedure including areas to be massaged, your draping, position on table, etc.
- During your session concentrate on your breathing and relax. Allow me to focus on the areas that need attention.
- At any time, give me feedback.
- After your massage session is over, take your time getting up from the table. Drink plenty of water immediately after you massage session.
- After your first session is complete, we will review and discuss your treatment plan schedule. This is based on where you are at when you come in and where I can get you to within the treatment plan that is recommended.
- We will track your progress at every session, so you can see the improvements to your muscles, posture, and over all well being.
- Your treatments will be more effective if you follow my guidelines and stick to your treatment schedule.
Cancellation Policy
Please allow 24 hours to cancel a session. If you miss up to 2 appointments without contacting us, do not show up to your scheduled appointment, payment will be due for missed appointments prior to booking another session with us.
Appointment Policy
- 60, 90, 120 minute Sessions: Please allow 15-20 minutes prior to start time. Arriving early is key to receiving your full scheduled treatment time.
- 15, 30 minute sessions: Please arrive on time as these sessions are in and out usually in a chair massage setting during office hours.
- Late/tardiness: If you arrive past your scheduled time, you will lose that time and only receive the remainder of your scheduled session
Payment Policy
- Rates are subject to change.
- InFusion Bodywork accepts cash, checks, money orders, and credit cards, PayPal, Square, Apple Pay.
- Make checks payable to Infusion Bodywork.
- There will be NO REFUND on pre-payment of massage therapy treatments. All pre-paid treatments must be used within time specified. This includes gift certificates.
- InFusion Bodywork is not liable if client/patient decides to forgo the treatment credit or allows it to expire.